Unfortunately, the March class was cancelled due to concerns about the corona virus. We all want to stay safe and protect our loved ones. While we're all housebound and bored there are plenty of things to do at home, like cleaning the house or rearranging the closets... NOT! Let's do something FUN! Go to the "easy crafts" tab in the top navigation to get ideas for all kinds of fun craft projects you can do at home.

A class member sent me this idea: decoupage a prayer candle. You'll need Modge Podge, a paintbrush to apply it, scissors,and a prayer/religious candle or any candle in a glass jar. You can use cut-out images, printed napkins or guest towels, or tissue paper for your design. You also can decoupage jars, cans, boxes, and almost anything. There's a downloadable Modge Podge crafts idea booklet on the "easy crafts" page.

Note: You can make your own version of Modge Podge by mixing 1 part water with 3 parts Elmer's white glue, but I wouldn't recommend it unless you're desperate. It isn't as durable or shiny as real Modge Podge.

Stay healthy and crafty!